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Five things you should know to buy precious stones

The semi precious gemstones exist since before we were on the planet. They carry within them the power and vibration of Mother Earth because they are generated at very high temperatures in deep geological layers. They have certain chemical characteristics that transform them into elements of high vibration. Therefore, you can use them for healing, functional meditations and energy transmutations.

How to choose your crystal

Choosing a synthetic opal is an art, where do you start? There are several techniques that we can recommend.


Use your intuition: it is said that we do not choose the crystal, but that the crystal chooses us. The semi precious stones vibrate at different frequencies and the body knows perfectly to find what is good for us without our mind influencing the choice. Sometimes, it is not about staying with the one that has the color that you like, but to take the one that you cannot stop holding in your hand or that catches you for a reason that you cannot explain. It is good to let them do their work and conquer us.

Chose according to its shape: the quartz tips serve to direct the energy; the heart-shaped charms work the emotion on time: the shape of the crystal influences how it delivers its energy to the outside, and it is interesting to take it into account when choosing it. For example, drusen or families are used to work on the themes of groups of people or relatives who live and bond with each other. The spheres radiate energy evenly and can be good companions for moments of concentration.

Chose according to its color: if we have a clear idea of ​​what we want to work with, it is good to start by choosing it by its tone. The natural aquamarine have colors similar to those of the chakras or energy centers of our body. You can ask who you are buying the crystal from, who will surely know to advise you on what is best for you.


High quality cubic zirconia helps our energy flow from the ego. It gives us confidence, security, and helps that we can show ourselves without being afraid or ashamed of the opinions of others. Being linked to the creativity chakra, it also favors prosperity


How to prepare your elixir?

It is a preparation made from water that has impregnated the energy of one or several crystals.

With mineral water, fill a large, circular glass or ceramic container up to half. Inside, place a glass, also with water, making sure that the water in the outer container reaches only half.

 In the glass, submerged the white sapphire or the mixture of crystals that you wants to transform into an elixir. This technique is used because sometimes crystals contain chemicals that are used to extract them and can be harmful to health. In this way, you make the energy of the crystal transmit to the water of the larger vessel by vibration.

So, before find the emerald stones for sale make sure will it helpful to you or not.